Friday, October 22, 2010

Take a Seat for Meditation

I mentioned yesterday that a great way to prepare for meditation was to do an asana practice. That way when you sit down you can say "My hips are open, my shoulders are back, my back doesn't hurt, and my knees aren't complaining." One of the major questions that keeps coming up with novice meditators is - "Do I have to sit in lotus pose to meditate? because I can't even do lotus." The answer is an easy one. No you don't have to sit in lotus pose, in fact, you can sit any old way you're comfortable as long as you have a straight tall line from your tailbone through the crown of your head. Feel free to prop yourself up on pillows and blankets. They work well supporting knees, butts, backs, and sometimes arms. Seriously - do whatever you need to - to find a comfortable seat you can maintain for at least 5 minutes.

On that note, I wanted to share a few of the 5 most common seated positions you can adopt for your meditation practice. Click on any of the pictures to see larger versions, adapt the postures with cushions, and if you have any questions - Ask!

First is Sukhasana (Easy Pose), which many of you know as Indian Style. Lots of beginners do this, but it may put undue pressure on your feet.

Next is Virasana (Hero Pose) which can be really good for your knees if done properly. Done poorly it can be really bad for your knees. I recommend this pose when seated on a cushion between your feet.
The one whose reputation presedes it - Padmasana (Lotus). If you have open hips and open knees, give it a shot. Personally, I like this pose, but not for meditating. This is a poor picture of it, but it's the best I had going that day.
Ardha Padmasana (Half Lotus) is much more accessible for everyone, but still requires open knees and hips.
Finally, the way I sit all the time - Siddhasana (Perfect Pose). I sit in this pose everyday for meditation because it's just the way I sit. I sit in this pose everytime I'm sitting on the floor and half the time that I'm sitting in a chair. It's just what I do.

Questions? Comments? Please.
On Monday I plan to continue with Meditation being the main topic - Perhaps for the entire week. If you have any burning questions related to meditation - this is a great time to ask.

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