Friday, October 15, 2010

8 Ways Yoga Is Like a Long Term Relationship

Tomorrow is my 8 Year Wedding Anniversary ♥ That being the case I wanted to write today about how your yogic journey is just like a long term romantic relationship.

1) Finding the One is work
You may experiment around, try a bunch of different styles, teachers, or partners before you find The One for you.

2) You'll probably Break Up before you Commit
There's bound to be some back and forth, off and on, and you'll probably just call it quits at least once before you come back declaring - "You're the One for Me! I'll never leave again."

3) You'll still want to Experiment
Just because you found The One doesn't mean you don't want to try other things, so just make sure your partner or style of yoga is cool with it before you go to another studio/bedroom. Some people work really well with monogamy - some work better with polyamory.

4) Bhakti
Bhakti is the path of love and devotion - it really should be part of your practice. My husband is 500% devoted to me - I could easily be his yoga practice.

5) Those Days
No matter how devoted you are, no matter how awesome your practice/partner is - there will be Those Days that you really just don't want to bother. Like - oh yes, there. you. are. *sigh* But you show up and you do the work anyway and the blahs blow over.

6) An Exercise in Self-Study
The point of your yoga practice should on some level teach you more about yourself. Whether it's that you're a quitter (something you should really work on) or that you tend to throw yourself into things 9000% until you get hurt (something else you should work on) - it really boils you down to the most honest version of You. Being with someone for like - ever, does the same thing. If you're paying any attention, you'll see what you're really like - at your best and at your worst.

7) Seasons
Your practice/relationship should evolve with you. Over time you need different things. Different levels of nurturing, tough love, consistency, playfulness, laughter, serious thought - your needs change and matter.

8) Steady Ease
It shouldn't be THAT hard. It should feel like something you can maintain for a while. If you're gritting your teeth and ready to scream - you're making it harder than it needs to be.

PS - We got married at the Zoo ♥

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