Thursday, October 14, 2010

Edibles and a Giveaway

I mentioned recently that I'm a big fan of pumpkin products. I'm sure that extends beyond food, but what I ultimately mean is bread and pie. I made some super delicious pumpkin bread a few days ago. The recipe makes 2 loaves of bread, so I make one loaf and a ton of muffins instead. That's for 2 reasons:
1) I only have one loaf pan
2) muffins are super portable and cute and fast.

Rather than me putting in the work to give you the recipe myself (because I'm feeling super lazy) I'll give some link love to Lisa Roy who just happens to use the exact same recipe I do. She also makes handbags and blogs about design that inspires me to keep my house from getting too bogged down in minimalism and hippydom.

In the spirit of more blog love (and full disclosure - my interest in winning) I'll also take this opportunity to tell you about a Fabulous Giveaway by the one and only The Dainty Squid whom I've written about before. Here are the giveaway details:

What? One of three handmade pencil pouches that I've made exclusively for ShanaLogic.
When? October 14th - 17th
How? Leave a comment! (Make sure there is a way to contact you if you win!)
Extra entries? Of course! You can earn one extra entry by posting about this giveaway on your blog, tumblr, myspace, twitter, etc. Just leave a SEPARATE comment with the link for each place you mention the giveaway.
Who can win? ANYONE, anywhere in the world!! There will be three winners chosen.

So go Enter the Giveaway and then make some pumpkin bread - because it's autumn and it might be cold outside.

Photos from Lisa Roy and The Dainty Squid's own posts on these topics.

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