Monday, October 18, 2010

Strange Reminder

Random strangers rarely speak to me. Maybe it's the fact that I tend to be in my own little world and not notice other humans when I'm out and about... maybe it's because some people have told me I tend to look angry (because I have really dark eyes)... either way I just kind of go about my day with minimal stranger interaction.

This weekend I was at the grocery store - and a man was just standing there - watching me. I was like, why is this dude staring at me - it's creepy. So as I got closer to where he was (on my way to find flour) he spoke. He said "You have a purpose." I smiled politely and walked on. My mind spent an inordinate amount of time trying to figure out what he had said. When I figured it out - all I could think was - that was weird.

Turns out - it stuck with me. As I wandered through the store, this tiny exchange was all I could think about. Eventually I was like - "You know what... I DO have a purpose. F*ck Yeah!" So thank you random creepy guy, for that reminder.

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