Tuesday, October 12, 2010

5 Poses to Wake Up With

After talking about evening yoga for weeks I think it's time to devote a little time to a more energizing discussion. Morning Yoga. There are primarily 2 types of morning yoga - the slow quiet yoga where you gradually awaken the body with gentle movement - and the uppity hop skip jump -- leap out of bed into a handstand type. I'm a big fan of melding the 2 together into a balanced approach.

I've put together this morning practice sequence for you guys - these are some of my favorite poses. Fun Fact: these brightening poses are great to fend off depression. Just like the evening sequence - it's only 5 poses. Technically. I do repeat one of them a couple times, but it's still only 5 poses with an optional happy 6th pose to finish. (Click on any of the photos to see a larger version) Keep it simple, try it out... you'll love it.

Optional finish: Handstand (at the wall if needed) OR Donkey Kicks

In general, this sequence is for anyone, but please don't try this sequence without speaking to your Dr. first if you have any medical/physical problems. Seek Peace At Your Own Risk!

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