Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Birthday Rituals

Today is Adam's birthday! For those of you that are new around here - that's my splendiferous husband. Yay! He has taken the day off from work and will be sleeping in (if my typing doesn't wake him up). I spent all day yesterday making him a nice basic cake 100% from scratch. I did the same thing last year, but the cake was "fancier". Either way, I'm happy. I love to bake and birthdays are a great excuse to do it.

When I was in teacher training, when we were learning about rituals, puja, meditation, and blessings we were told that the "thing to do" on your birthday is to light 100 tealight candles and let them burn until they completely burn themselves out. It's like a little ritual of your life lasting 100 years+. Whatever you do don't blow any out early - it robs you of years of your life.

I really like it and it creates the best light (and a lot of heat), so I highly recommend you adopt this ritual for yourself. Just don't put all the candles too near each other and within smoke-shot of a smoke alarm. We totally freaked out the smoke alarm the first year we did it and it was hilarious, but annoying.

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