Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Weirdo Week and a Rumi Quote

Last week was a weird busy kind of week. We saved a heap of baby ducks from a sewer drain on Tuesday (which I was just sure I could turn into a talk for this page), but then I got food poisoning on Wednesday (the vomitty kind), and I've been trying to get a lot of reading and artwork done while also searching nonstop for our first house to buy. I really like this Rumi quote I came across though, so I thought I'd share.

This can apply to your life plans or to your yoga practice in particular. Sometimes you go through a streak where you just wanna meditate all the time, or you can't get enough of handstands, or whatever. Follow these things through. Don't artificially hold yourself back because you think "real yoga" isn't like that or something. You'll feel better for it, and maybe you'll get stronger, or more centered... or something. Let's not overthink it - if your passion is something other than murdering then it will likely lead to good things.

via FuckYeahYoga

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