Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Nail art funk? No problem! Paint flowers!

I have been seriously failing at keeping up my posts lately! Ahh! For whatever reason, I've been in a bit of a funk when it came to my nail art the past few weeks. I've been stressed and busy and this past weekend I literally just read...and it was so fabulous! I forgot how much I miss reading and I am definitely going to have to make it more of a priority :)

I decided to do some funky rose like flowers to get me out of my funk and I really love how they turned out. I think it was just the thing to get my creative juices flowing again so hopefully I'll be posting regularly again soon!

This color palette is a little different but I think it still works. I used a ton of color and my medium length striping brush...which one of these days I'll have to actually take a picture of for reference. Also, I apologize in advance, this is a picture heavy post. Also, also, don't mind the sad paper cut on my middle finger ;)
 And for the colors! I'm going to try and be good about sharing all the colors I use even when I use a lot of colors. 

American Apparel Manila
China Glaze Kalahari Kiss
American Apparel Sunset Blvd.
Essie Tart Deco
Essie Raspberry
American Apparel Peacock
China Glaze Prey Tell
What do you think of these? Did you get to do anything fun over the weekend?? Any great books you've read lately or that you recommend? 

Happy Polishing! :)

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