Friday, June 28, 2013

Before I Die I Want To...

It's hard to believe that June is basically over. I feel like June didn't even happen. When time passes so quickly it can sometimes be alarming because your life is made of that time. 

What did I do this month? I saved ducks, saved a dove, painted and drew tons of pictures, did a small amount of yoga, started the process of buying our first house, cared for the dog through recovery from surgery, packed up most of my house in prep for moving, received two rejection letters from art galleries, met new people, spent a lot of time with my favorite husband, and more. Sounds like a decent full month.

The only thing I think it's lacking is travel. I want to travel more and experience things I could never find at home. I want to squeeze as much experience into my life as possible. On that note - here's a TED talk with Candy Chang about just that topic. 

What do you want to do before you die? 
What can you do to make your life more full?
In fact, don't even tell me. Better start making it happen before you miss it.

This TED talk via HuffPo

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