Saturday, June 1, 2013

Are you a No-Reply Blogger? - A PSA

Happy Saturday, Everyone!!! I hope you all have fun plans for the weekend :) I'm going to a Beer Fest with my parental units, the boyfriend and some family friends and I am say the least. Lots of tasting delicious beers and sampling awesome foods. Should be fun! 

I've been thinking about making a post like this for awhile after the lovely Ashley over at Cup of Ash Tea gave me the heads up about this silly thing. If you use blogger, somewhere along the way you may have become (or chose to be) a "No-Reply Blogger" which essentially means that any time you comment on someone's post, you are posting under Google's No-Reply email address. This then means that anytime anyone responds to any of your comments, you don't get a notification email letting you know about the reply. 
So, if you post lovely comments on your favorite blogs but never receive a response or have to remember which posts you've commented on (I NEVER remember so this was a problem for me) and go back to see if anyone replied to you because you didn't get a notification for it, you may be a no-reply blogger. 

But don't fear! There is an easy solution! I'm borrowing this easy step by step fix that the Fluster Buster put together. You can find the post here. There's also a shorter one for those of you that still have a blogger profile by Anyone Can Decorate, found here

Hope this is enlightening for some of you and I'm hoping to have some new nail posts for you all very soon! 

Happy Polishing! 

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