Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Crumpet February Amateur Nail Art Contest

Well something exciting happened today! At the beginning of February I entered this heart mani in Debbie at The Crumpet's Amateur Nail Art Contest in hopes of getting mentioned by her on her blog as well as being able to do a guest post on her blog. 
First off, if you love nail polish and nail art, you should definitely check out The Crumpet! Debbie has some fabulous stuff on her blog and is so supportive of anyone and everyone interested in nail art. 

Anyway, several very talented ladies entered their nails in the contest as well and at the end of the month, voting went live for a few days when people were able to vote for their favorite submission. Looking at the way the voting went, one girl had almost 50 votes for her nails to my 7. However, as Debbie explained it, I guess the theme was strictly Love and Heartbreak so the mani with the most votes didn't keep with that theme. So, that meant the winner went to me! I feel bad that this other girl had more votes and wasn't selected, but that doesn't stop me from feeling excited to be deemed the "winner."You can check out the post about it here and hopefully sometime soon I'll get to do a guest post on The Crumpet! Still slightly in shock and can't believe I was even in the running as there were some fabulous other manis entered. 

Okay, I'm off to go grin stupidly by myself ;) 

Happy Polishing :)

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