Saturday, March 23, 2013

Sunday Simulacra - Version 6.43

Past contributor, Potter Rob Lorenz of Simple Circle Studios in Carbondale, IL said: "One afternoon I was carving some pots out by my fire pit.  As I worked, warmed by the mellow glow of the fire, a rogue ember alighted on a stack of papers I was using for reference.  It began burning a couple small holes through the papers before I saw it and put it out. These pictures are what resulted."

Sweet C says:

Oh lord simulacra it's a fire! Thank you for sharing these accidental simulacra with us, we are happy that the damage was contained in an interesting way, and nothing too serious happened.

Keep sending those pictures in, we always love seeing what our skull hunters find. Anyone is welcomed to participate, it's fun and it's easy- if you see a simulacra skull, photograph it and send those pictures in to our submissions address with a little something about what it is really and maybe a little about you.

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