Monday, March 18, 2013

Core of the Yoga Sutras - Book Review

B.K.S. Iyengar's Core of the Yoga Sutras: The Definitive Guide to the Philosophy of Yoga is actually a pretty short book at less than 200 pages of actual reading material. Much of the bulk is comprised of a handy dandy Glossary and Appendix. There's also a foreward, preface, and prologue before the introduction. I thoroughly appreciate all the organization that went into this thing. Plus it's pretty in pink and orange. I'm only a little sorry for saying that - because it's true.

This book is meant for everyone. Including newbies and people that have never done any study of yoga.

Iyengar's 80+ years of yoga experience prove helpful to the rest of us in learning what the sutras are saying - providing a more modern accessible explanation. It even has a few charts and tables throughout for the more visual learners.

Don't let the small amount of God-talk in the preface fool you. This book is not a religious text. It took me forever to read because I'm terrible about reading philosophy or anything that isn't chick-lit really. Don't let my reading-flaws color your perception of this book.

I think most yogis that are just barely getting started should probably not read this book just yet. They'll likely get bogged down by the amount of sanskrit tossed about. Flipping back to the glossary every few sentences can make it feel like a more difficult read than it really is; but the glossary is a huge help. Yogis that are starting to get serious about the practice (beyond asana practice) should totally buy this book. Sit down with your tea, keep one finger on the glossary - and get ready to do some learning. Smart teachers will add this to their library.

Especially for being well-organized - I certainly recommend this book.

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