Monday, December 6, 2010

Yogi Gift Guide 2010 - Part 3

It's the final day of this year's gift guide, but if you know of any gifts that any lucky yogini would love to open - please tell us about them in the comments!

Intermediate Yoginis:
The dedicated practitioner that should probably teach but doesn’t.

Snorg Tees' UpDog Tee $20
- Everytime I see this shirt I think of Upward Facing Dog and how I'd love to wear this shirt while teaching it. Available in Men's and Women's Sizes.

Jade Harmony Professional Mat $65
- The longer you do yoga, the more you start to care about having a really good mat. I hear good things about this one.

Handmade Journal $35
- Great for taking notes on their yogic journey, sketching stick figures of poses you learned in someone's classes and don't want to forget, and drawing up sequences to try.

Ram Dass' Be Here Now $15
- A book that every yogi should read eventually. I haven't done it yet, but it's on my wishlist.

Rodney Yee Advanced Yoga DVD $6+ - If they like a quick flow where they're like, NEVER, in downward dog, but in arm balances and going upside down - this is a good video to try.

Traveling Yogis:
When home is truly in their heart and seldom in one physical location for long.

Manduka's eKO SuperLite® Travel Mat $36
- A small portable mat is essential when packing for a trip.

Lululemon Everywear Gym Bag $88
- Cute, available in a variety of colors, and sized appropriately for carry on.

Satya Jewelry Traveling Altar $158+
- Has all the essentials to set up and be uberspiritual anywhere. You could also build your own if you're good at finding and bringing together bits and pieces.

Lululemon Express Yourself Wrap $118
- Great for layering on freezing cold airplanes or to cover up after being manhandled by the TSA. I'm not usually into wraps, but I really really want this one. Adam. *peer*

A Lucy Headband $10+
- When you're traveling you just want a no fuss kinda 'do that lets you lean your head back in your seat. Ponytails can get in the way.

Yoga Teachers:
One of my trainers said - "You can't swing a dead cat in Boulder without hitting half a dozen people certified to teach yoga." Indeed. Whether it's a friend who teaches... or a teacher you are friendly with... these are for them.

Republic of Tea - Tea $14
- I linked to Decaf Apricot because it's my current favorite. Teas are a yoga teacher's best friend. Great for the heart, inner fire, and a throat doing it's best to get instructions to the back of five rooms a day. Pair it with some raw organic honey and they might just die from the awesome.

Awesome Yoga Posters $price varies$
- Tell them it's to put on the wall of the studio they plan to open one day. Inspire the inspiring.

Om Sanctuary CD $17
- Best Savasana CD Ever. My students from a corporate gig said "This should be pumped through speakers to the whole building."

Yoga Paws $35
- My husband bought me a pair because I never used a mat when I taught - this way you can do any demo anywhere, and you're never glued to one spot.

Gift Certificate for a Massage/Manicure/Pedicure - Yoga teachers are rough on their bodies and can get so caught up in taking care of others that they forget about pampering themselves.

The Yogi that has Everything:
Maybe they're rich, maybe they've been into it for like EVER, maybe they're too picky... if nothing else works...

Gift Certificate - money to use at a yoga store is my idea of fabulous. One of my favorite gifts ever is the Be Present shirt I bought with a gift certificate for my birthday.

Private Session with a Favorite Teacher - some teachers cost as little as $25/hour. Others are closer to $200/hr+, but a little one on one time with "their teacher" will be priceless.

Festival Tickets - Wanderlust Festival, Yoga Journal Conferences, Telluride Yoga Festival, Esalen Yoga Festival, Ojai Yoga Crib... there are TONS of yoga festivals and gatherings. Tickets to one - would be amazing. The fun that can be had and the people you can meet - they're awesome.

Reserved Spot at a Retreat - Going on retreat is something my friends and teachers talk about, but something I've never done. Retreats are available for every level, style, and hobby known to man. If you can dream it, you can find it. Just do some googling.

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