Thursday, December 9, 2010

A Dave of My Very Own

I was specifically listening to non-Christmas music a couple days ago and these lyrics jumped out at me while listening to my favorite Dave of all time. Dave Matthews Band - love em. Always have - Always will.

"...What I want is what I've not got
But what I need is all around me..." - via the song Jimi Thing.

I thought - how painfully accurate. Isn't this generally the case for most of us? Wanting whatever it is we don't have... while everything we need is right there. I could turn this into a whole yogi-thought post, but I think I'll just leave it there. Something to think on...

On another Dave note - I've always wanted to meet Dave. Instead, my brother met Dave. Turns out his now-ex-wife went to school with him at some point or something. They're apparently on hugging terms. boo... I want to hug Dave Matthews.

See there I go... wanting what I don't have...

photo obviously not mine: whose is it? *shrug*

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