Friday, December 17, 2010

Gardening of the Heart

"If you think you're enlightened, go visit your family."
- Ram Dass

There's a lovely article in the November issue of Yoga Journal based off of this quote. It doesn't appear to be currently available on the website, or I'd give you a link to it. Go buy the November issue - read "Branching Out" by Sally Kempton. By now the December issue of YJ might be the one on Newsstands... but if the November issue is still available - you'll notice it. It's Orange with the lovely KK Ledford on the cover wearing fuchsia clothes and long blonde hair. Actually, I don't care if you buy the magazine - stand in the aisle and read it if you must - just read it.

"On this powerful New Moon plant your prayerful seeds of reconciling with anyone with whom you are in conflict."
- John Friend via Twitter as @anusarafriend

These two quotes go together really well I think. If you have some tension building about visiting family for the holiday - just remember it's never too late to plant your prayerful seeds of reconciling.

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