Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Stretch Out Your Stress

If you're involved in Christmas then you may be feeling stressed over the way the 25th is looming just days away. Maybe you still haven't found someone a gift, maybe you can't afford gifts and it's causing you grief, maybe you're going to be with the in-laws that hate you for Christmas. The reasons to be stressed today are many. If you really couldn't care less about Christmas and it truly doesn't affect you - you're likely still stressed - because dammit it's Wednesday.

Regardless of the source of your stress - you're probably carrying the bulk of it in your shoulders. Many of us become gradually more and more tense when we are stressed. This creates a magic act of vanishing neck until we don't even have ears - because our shoulders have ridden up so far as to cover them up. Doesn't take a rocket surgeon to know that this causes discomfort. We're really not meant to have shoulders on our head. Alternately, you could have tight shoulders from holding boxes while standing in line at the post office for half an hour.

I've always considered myself to have chronically tight shoulders. Here's a collection of my favorite shoulder openers for you. If you choose to try them - remember to soften into these stretches. Go slowly.

I like this one - you can do it anywhere, anytime. I often use bathroom counters or the wall with my hands pressing flat. Either way, aim for about a 90 degree angle. Lengthen your neck and spine! Hold for 5-10 long deep breaths.

 Do this pair on both sides. Here the right arm is on top, so do it again with the left arm on top. In the tall version it's more a stacking of hands instead of arms, but keep the same side on "top". The idea in this first pic - is to get your arm at approximately a 90 degree angle. Squeeze your arms/hands together while pressing your elbows/hands further away from your torso/face. Hold for 5 long deep breaths. 

This last set of 5 pics is just to show the motion you're doing. You definitely don't need to pause in 5 spots. It's one smooth motion with a yoga strap or other long flexy thing between your hands. Go over the top and back - then back over the other direction. Backwards then forwards. Maybe 3 times is good - anything more is overkill.

I've folded a yoga strap in half, but if your shoulders are tight you'll want to go longer than that. Start slow so you can adjust the length of the strap. Initially I'd suggest starting much longer/wider than you expect. You can always shorten it later - and better safe than injured. Shoulder injuries really hurt.

If you have any questions about these stretches or pictures - please ask.

In general, this sequence is for anyone, but please don't try this sequence without speaking to your Dr. first if you have any medical/physical problems. Seek Peace At Your Own Risk!

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