Thursday, October 6, 2011

Yoga in the Dental Chair

You know you're addicted to yoga when you find it everywhere. I tend to find yoga in everything I do and see, but I never expected to find it when I went to the dentist yesterday. I have a really sensitive gag reflex so when they take x-rays I always gag. Usually they just give me some salt to rub on my tongue and we make it work. This time the hygienist gave me a whole series of things to do and I felt like I was doing yoga.

So I put the salt on my tongue... then she put the thingy in my mouth (real sophisticated I know) and then she told me to lift my right foot up and hold it there. Focus on that foot. Then close your eyes, bite down... and breathe through your nose. I had to do it like 6 times and it definitely felt like yoga. 

Focusing on pressing through my lifted foot did wonders. Yay for dental yoga! I still have to go back a few times because apparently I get cavities now. Hopefully I'll manage to integrate more yoga into my visits - like pranayama for anxiety.

Photo Source: Gadling Photo of the Day

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