Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Home Practice - All By Myself

Adam is out of town for a couple days for a job interview in Texas, so I'm left to see how much yoga I can really do. Since I declared last week that I was taking some time to rest and then a slow progression into my real practice again - I've only done one full practice. It wasn't a pre-designed sequence and it wasn't very long or difficult. The real challenge was making sure not to overdo it. I will definitely be doing some full practices while I'm home alone. I do my best work all by myself. Today I'll do a sequence I put together specifically for sore backs, so hopefully it will feel great. By the way, my back feels 99% fine now. I'm just being cautious so I can keep it that way.

This pic was taken a couple weeks ago. I like the morning darkness to it.

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