Thursday, June 23, 2011

Do You Teach Hot Yoga?

In moving, my husband and I keep meeting people that are so excited to hear that I teach yoga. What is the first question they all ask? Do you teach HOT YOGA!? Um... no.

I don't have anything against hot yoga - I've done it... it's fine. I was supposed to teach it once, but that didn't happen. It's still such a weird question to me. Is that the most popular yoga in Boise? Is it just the only style they have heard of? I don't know, but whenever we mention that my favorite style is Anusara we get blank glazed stares. There are Anusara-Inspired teachers in the area - I'm a little weirded out to keep meeting people that have never heard of it.

I'm so used to my little world where its All Anusara - All the Time... it's like I've forgotten that it's not as widespread and well known as I feel like it is. Hrmph. Guess I'll just have to get out there and tell them about it.

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