Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Building a Vision

I mentioned yesterday that I don't "do" new years resolutions, but I definitely still "recognize" the New Year. I have my own little rituals and I definitely put a little extra thought into the things I do to commence the beginning of a year.

One thing that isn't really a New Year thing for me, but this year just happened to take place around New Years - is the creation of my Inspiration Board. This is simply a giant corkboard with pictures and words to act as reminders of things I want to accomplish, states of mind I want to achieve, and people who inspire me. It also holds the occasional "random thing I liked". I've been keeping an Inspiration Board for years and just recently re-decorated it. Something I do when I get very "blah" about looking at it - however often that may occur (not very often). Here's a picture by picture of the process.

Take the old board off the wall.

Dismantle it. Separate into piles of Recyclables, Keepers, and Maybes.

Get comfortable - this will take a while. All afternoon.
Grab a drink, some scissors, and a pile of old magazines.

Chop out pictures and words of everything you see that really interests/inspires you. A lot of these won't even make it into the final board - but you'll want choices to work with. Get creative with shapes, colors, etc. Make sure you don't chop out chunks of articles you still want to read or other pictures you like better.

When you start placing pics - put the biggest/most important things first. That way the things you really care about don't get forgotten and you can cover up the edges of giant pics with other stuff - and frame things accordingly. I use clear push pins, but initially I lay everything out flat without them so I can rearrange for an hour without filling everything with holes.

Once you're pretty happy with the layout - push pin away. Make sure you use enough push pins in the right places to avoid pics curling up, falling down, or shifting and covering up something else.

Once you're happy - look everything over twice - make sure you didn't miss anything.
I always find a couple pics with no push pins.

Keep Looking.

Everything in place? Everything looking good?

Stick it back on the wall and admire your work.

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