Thursday, January 6, 2011

Optimism Breeds Serendipity

Earlier this week I finally applied to teach in a space that someone (that works there) had been encouraging me to rent for a while. For over six months this had been discussed and planned while I was constantly assured it would be no problem. So I filled out the application... to end up being rejected. It was a space in a non-profit that they rent out to the community... except apparently to me. They gave me a handful of reasons for denying my request, but all of those reasons turned out to be either wrong or lies. I'm not going to speculate or dwell on which is the case. This is not the first time this particular company has rejected my teaching, but it is certainly the last. I'm not really a glutton for punishment. I promise.

Rejection sucks! But that doesn't mean we should allow someone else's lack of confidence in us to become our own. We can choose to remain stuck in an eternal pity party or we can shake the sad out of our hair and make this an opportunity to focus on being our best selves.

Upon learning that I had been DENIED - I gave myself some time to pout and some time to be angry and fantasize about throwing bricks through people's windows. But then... I reminded myself that sitting there, feeling rejected, disapproved of, and stuck... maybe even lost... wasn't going to help me. Apparently, this company is not part of my path. I looked around... vaguely looking for more of what makes me happy... more of what serves my life purpose... something to further my journey down my true path. Right away I stumbled across Sianna Sherman's Rock the Bhakti Tour workshop in Portland... two weeks from now. Since I won't be teaching, I'll be free to skip over to Portland for three days to workshop it up, play, and study Anusara Yoga. Yay! Bonus: It's doubling as a 29th Birthday Gift. Serendipitous? Kind of. A Sign? Maybe - Either way, I'm psyched!

Screw the path I thought I wanted to take... this one shines much brighter. I mean, it's just paved with awesome and opportunity.

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