Thursday, March 10, 2011

Reflecting on Reflection

As the week goes by I've been going over my notes from the Noah Maze workshop and trying to gently unpack the lessons and tips I received and find them a home in my regular practice. A lot of what was covered were the themes of love, commitment, and reflection. The notes on love and commitment come very readily to me... I just 'get' those... but the reflection stuff is apparently a little harder. Amusing that I have to consciously sit and reflect on these things... to really gather and soak in the lessons on reflection. I have always been a rather internal person, but actual reflection... maybe I've shied away from that recently because it's taking some real work. I'll have to settle in a bit more and look inside for that.

Here's something from my notes that we can all afford to consider a little more deeply today:

The Universe went through an extraordinary amount of effort to make you. Be Grateful.

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