Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Grounded & Happy

I wrote a couple days ago about listening to upbeat music to balance out the winter blues. Balance kinda feels like a theme I've got going this week at home. I usually do a really vigorous athletic practice, but since I reinjured myself last week and I have a Noah Maze workshop coming up this weekend I wanted to take things slow. This is not an easy task for me. I am not a restorative yoga person or a savasana fanatic. I'm very active. Vata could've been my middle name.

My practice is still very challenging, but I'm taking a slower pace and focusing more on the lower body than the upper body. Putting less intensity into quantity of handstands and more intention into the quality of them. I feel like it's really grounding my energy. This could potentially be seen as a bad thing when I'm battling the gray day sads (because it draws the energy down instead of lifting up), but I feel like it's making me feel very stable in body and mind. That is a very good thing.

♥ These Feet Are Grounded AND Happy ♥

Today take some time to assess your usual mode of existence. Take a balanced approach by trying to do something a little different or the opposite of that. Slow down or speed up, stay in or go out, dress up or grunge down... check out the grass on the other side. It may not be any greener, but it will likely even out your inner workings a bit.

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