Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Close Your Eyes

Have you ever done yoga with your eyes closed? I've only done it a couple of times, but it is amazing. During teacher training we did it once, but I kept cheating and looking because I was paranoid of being the one that finished way before anyone else did. Silly, but true. On Sunday I did my morning practice (about 4 sun salutations) with my eyes closed and it was crazy. Warrior 1 in a flow was surprisingly hard, but I made it go anyway. I learned that I tend towards my right... as in I did have to open my eyes once when I noticed that part of me had wandered off my mat. I was apparently rotating in a circle with my surya namaskars. Interesting.

Yoga-ing with my eyes closed made me intensely mindful of details I usually get to gloss over. It made me work about 1000 times harder... and apparently made me breathe with much more intensity as well. When I was done with a measly 4 sun salutations (about 15-20 minutes of work) I was huffing and puffing. I also felt more alive somehow. It was pretty cool... you should totally try it. Just make sure you have a good open space in case you too wander off your mat.

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