Thursday, February 24, 2011

It Tastes Like Pink!

The title of today's post is just one of my favorite quotes from the lastest episode of Glee. I almost apologize to anyone that found my blog looking for Glee quote stuff. Almost.

I was talking to someone today about yoga and why I suggest it for just about anyone. Some people do yoga for enlightenment, some people do it because they're good at it, some people do it to become more in tune with themselves, some people do it for nothing more than a great yoga butt. The reasons people do yoga are probably about as numerous as the people who practice it. I'm no yoga snob - if you show up to my class because you want a tighter hotter bod and have no interest in the spiritual side - that's great. Whatever. As long as you're here - you're my friend.

To get back to my point -
One of the ultimate reasons that we (Adam and I) think that yoga is one of the top fitness pursuits is simply how you feel when you're done. We run, we lift weights, but yoga is the one we really shout from the rooftops about. Standard cardio and lifting heavy things get you worked and leave you a little healthier, but they also often leave you feeling kind of exhausted. Runners high aside - exercise is hard and can leave you feeling a bit run down at least until you've downed your pick-me-up protein shake.

Yoga lifts you up though. Even if you just did a 3 hour class and sweated a lake onto your mat and your muscles were shaking so hard your shirt fell off - once it's all done and you've savasana'd your heart out - you usually feel better than you did when you first got to your mat. Whether you buy into the "moving energy blockages" thing, or believe in chakras - you understand what feels good... and feeling better probably wins over feeling a little bit worse.

People often say that we Anusara people are "drinking the kool-aid", and I hope this is a bottomless cup because It Tastes Like Pink!

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