Tuesday, February 1, 2011

It's Already Out There

My meditation area has been calling to me lately. Maybe even more like whimpering quietly in the most lonely neglected way. I don't even know when I last meditated. Not Good. Remember I mentioned ages ago that one of my major goals before I turn 30 (next year) is that I want to have a solid daily meditation practice. Which, I almost arbitrarily defined as a daily practice I've kept for at least 6 months. So far I've made it just shy of 5 months at a time. Something always happens. Whether in an asana practice, a meditation practice, or any other good habit like spending more time with your spouse - it's super easy to build inertia once you stop doing something.

Today I am going to meditate - if I have to punch old ladies in the face - I'm going to get it done.

Join me in this effort - if there's anything you need to get back into... something you need to prove is important or good... list it in the comments. Once you tell the world you're going to do something - it's a little bit harder to brush it off. Get it out there. Make Good Things Happen.

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