Monday, November 8, 2010

Your Dosha Diet

On Thursday I mentioned that your Ayurvedic Dosha effects everything - including what you should be eating. Everyone knows that each individual has certain foods that don't settle well in their stomachs... and plenty of foods that we crave or are particularly averse to. What if you found out that all this was dictated by your primary dosha? Would you stick to some basic guidelines on how you should eat if it meant no more heartburn or diarrhea?

When I was a child I had intestinal distress of every kind - regularly. It was just part of being me. When speaking to my best friend of the last 20 years - he said he didn't remember much about our childhood, but that I threw up red stuff a lot. Everyone remembers that. It's true - I really should've quit ingesting things that were red. *shrug* Point is, that I eventually grew up and moved out and started buying my own groceries. I became a health nut and then I became a big time whole natural foods advocate - and these days my intestines are happy. They work just as they should with only a hyper-rare complaint about anything. All those years of distress could've been avoided by some simple dietary changes. I'm lactose intolerant so I buy lactose free milk and keep the cheese to a minimum. I don't eat processed food 90% of the time and it keeps me happy. 

One of the websites I've been pointing you to through this little Ayurvedic journey - - has little charts that tell you the ideal diet for each dosha. When I saw mine - The Vata Diet - I was really amused because that's just how I eat now. Back in the day I didn't and it caused me grief. Turns out I've been listening to my body, eating right for my dosha, and my body has never functioned better for it.

The Vata Diet

The Pitta Diet

The Kapha Diet

Go check out your body's diet and see if it matches up with how you eat. If you still don't know your Dosha - Take the Quiz!

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