Monday, November 29, 2010

Pie Binge Detox

If you over-indulged for Thanksgiving (or like me spent 2 days eating nothing but pie) - than you'll really benefit from a detoxifying yoga sequence today. How do you make your practice into a detox? Twists!

Just sprinkle a few here and there to feel the benefits. The organs are compressed during a twist, pushing out blood filled with metabolic by-products and toxins. When we release the twist, fresh blood flows in, carrying oxygen and the building blocks for tissue healing. So from the physiological standpoint, twists stimulate circulation and have a cleansing and refreshing effect on the torso organs and associated glands.

There are tons of different twists in standing poses, seated poses, supine positions, inversions - every level of practitioner should be doing twists. Just remember when twisting to Lengthen the spine as you Inhale... and move deeper into your twist on the Exhale. Take it easy and slow - and you will find freedom in your twists.

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