Thursday, November 11, 2010

Light on Reading

As a yogi there are some books you're kind of "supposed to" read at one time or another. For some people that time is when they take the plunge into teacher training - others just wanna read all about it because they're readers. Some of the standard books to know are The Bhagavad Gita, Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, The Upanishads, Ram Dass' Be Here Now, Light on Yoga, The Ramayana, etc. I read a couple of these books during teacher training. I have a couple of these books on my wishlist, and I've owned one of these books for maybe 8 years, but I've never read it.

I'm not really much of a reader as an adult. My eye doctor says it's because I have a reverse astigmatism, so I'm soooo far sighted that by the time my eyes are focusing on something as close as a book they're working something like 10,000 times harder than they should really need to. Therefore, reading makes me sleepy before I finish a single page. It's ridiculous, but totally true. If I try to read a book, I can't focus because I will start falling asleep right away. 

Anyway, so I don't really read much. Maybe that's why I have never read Light on Yoga by B.K.S. Iyengar even though it's been on my shelf almost as long as I've been into yoga. I remember trying to read it once early on, but I wasn't really into it. I'm hoping that now - with all my experience, and all my previous studying - that I'll have it in me to read it. I always want to read more, so last night I finally pulled this book out and started it. I'm hoping to actually make it all the way through this time - and fully absorb and understand it. I should totally be able to "get it" now, and I'm hoping it will introduce me to a couple poses I never really do. It should be interesting - and maybe it will provide me with some inspiration for the blog.

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