Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Three Times a Day - (Video)

I wanted to share with you this Sianna Sherman interview via Bay Shakti. This is actually part 2 of a four part interview, so go to Bay Shakti for all four parts. Sianna Sherman, for those of you that don't know, is an Anusara yoga teacher. I had the fantastic luck of being able to take a couple of her classes at Wanderlust, and her classes are amazing.

I just wanted to share this particular piece of the interview because Sianna talks about working on a pose and bringing an aspect of play into it - 3 times a day - if you're really working towards this one particular pose. For instance - handstand. As I've written about before, I totally do this. I practice kind of around the clock - particularly inversions and backbends. Anytime I have a lull in my day - I do some handstands. I can probably already do handstands in the middle of the room, but after taking a couple of ugly falls doing that before - I'm slowly working my way back out there. The wall is my crutch and I'm trying to let it go. It's a process.

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