Wednesday, July 24, 2013

31 Day Nail Art Challenge - Day 4: Green Nails

Evening, everyone! I am so so sorry that I'm posting this a day late! I am still trying to figure out how to manage all my time with my new work schedule. I've got a lot on my plate but fingers crossed I'll have a handle on everyone very soon! 

Yesterday's post was supposed to be Green inspired nails for the next day of the challenge. I really love doing green nails when the fancy strikes me, but I feel like I can never think of anything to do when I HAVE to do green nails. When I'm not sure which direction to go with a mani, I'll often sift through my polishes and see which ones speak to me that day. 

Well, China Glaze's Def Defying was the glaring winner today. I've used this polish many times before, but it's such a fabulous chartreuse-y color that I can never resist it. Seeing this color ended up jogging my memory of one of my sister's old bed comforters. It was black, white, and bright green with a simple yet pretty floral print and I knew immediately I wanted to try that. I love when patterns just speak to me like that! 
 I ended up using my white and black acrylic paint for these, along with Def Defying and OPI's Skull and Glossbones as the base color. The bright green flower on my ring finger is actually what happens when you put white over Def Defying...and I love it! That was the last nail I completed and it made me want to redo everything because I loved how much this new color popped. 
I ended up adding a matte top coat to these in an attempt to show more detail, but I think I might like the high gloss look of Seche Vite better this time around. What do you think?
I know these are simple, but I really love how they turned out. I really like the look of the overlapping colors and I will definitely try more ideas using this technique in the future. 

Happy Polishing! :)

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