Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Tara Stiles says Yoga Cures

I received this book to review. It's by Tara Stiles. In it she says that Yoga Cures... and in fact creates "Radiant Health" if you just practice.  How do I feel about this book? Ambivalent. I both love it and hate it.

I'll keep this review short by a simple list of things I do and don't love.

  • Overstated and dreamy. Maybe this is what selling books requires, but it feels disingenuous.
  • Claims that practicing yoga makes you crave healthy foods instead of junk. Not really.
  • The page on a "Hangover Cure" has a little grey box that sounds really preachy and judgemental.
  • P.34 seems to imply that homeopathy is just as good as (if not better than) modern medicine.
  • Chapter 2 cites no sources for a few research studies that could be made up for all we know.
  • It's barely mentioned as a sort of disclaimer that - Yoga may not cure what ails you. 

  • Zenspiration notes in the sidebar. Cute.
  • The tone and language used is accessible and friendly.
  • Tara Stiles loves yoga and believes it is life-changing. On this we agree very much.
  • The sequences are short and simple which is perfect for Yoga Cures' primary audience.
I appreciate the mission of this book. Yoga truly does help with many of the issues presented in its pages. Yoga Cures has a lot of good things in it surrounded by some baloney that makes it hard to take seriously. Lots of beginners could benefit from the sequences, and meditation/breath-work instructions in this book; but I would never buy this book for myself.

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