Friday, December 30, 2011

Fit Girls Let Your Hair Down

The ponytail is synonymous with fitness. Fit girls pull their hair back constantly. Especially those athletes that dedicate their entire day to active pursuits. Maybe one of your new year's resolutions should be to wear your hair down more often.

Have you ever heard of Traction Alopecia? 
"Traction alopecia is a form of hair loss caused by the sustained tension of hair. In general, this affects the hair follicles, and eventually damages them to a point where they can no longer grow hair. The result is gradual hair loss, and if serious enough, can eventually proceed to rapid hair loss, or losing clumps of hair at a time."

If you wear a tight ponytail or braids of any kind this could happen to you. If caught early it is reversible, so pay attention to your scalp and your hair. They may be trying to tell you something. Are you at risk? Do you need to give your hair a break?

Know the Warning Signs:
  • Sore scalp from ponytail, braiding, dreadlocks, etc.
  • Bumps and redness along the hairline
  • Thinning or hair breakage around the hairline
  • Itchy scalp or dandruff
  • Scalp is scaly or oozing pus
If not caught in time - the hair follicles can be damaged to the point that it becomes permanent.

How to Avoid It:
  • Wear your hair down often
  • Wear loose braids, ponytails, etc.
  • Don't subject your hair to chemical treatments which weaken it
  • Massage your scalp to increase circulation
  • In short - be nice to your hair.


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