Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Recap

Hope everyone had an amazing weekend full of love, cheer, and general merriment. I know I did. It was probably one of the best christmases I've had in a while. Kept things simple, made mexican food and cookies, and just kinda hung out watching movies with my sweet husband and dog. Yay!

We got tons of "things" for christmas, but here I post the yoga-related christmas stuffs:
You may notice that almost 100% of them were on my Yogi Gift Guides. I also got the Amelia dress as a christmas gift to myself, but I don't have any pictures of it yet.

Ashtanga DVD, Hand-Knit arm and leg warmers, 2 books, 3 CDs, GIVE scent, and W3LL People sticks.

I'm really psyched about these. The GIVE scent is intoxicating. I want to smell it all day.
Devvy's favorite gift: a new kong with peanut butter.
I redecorated at some point while Adam watched a boring movie.
The card banner really seemed to complete things.

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