Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Kaivalya Yoga Method

I received a newsletter last week from Alanna Kaivalya announcing the birth of Kaivalya Yoga. It's not very often you get to witness the beginning of a yoga method.

Alanna is one of my favorite teachers. Perhaps you've read her book, or heard her music. She does not come from Anusara, but from the school of Jivamukti. I've taken a few of her classes and they are always divine.  She occasionally returns home to Denver, CO and teaches at the yoga studio where I got my certification. This is where I was lucky enough to experience her teaching even though she now lives in New York.

For more information about this new method, and to learn how to Apply for the first ever Kaivalya Yoga Method Teacher Training - Visit the Website!

About her decision she says:
"After more than 10 years of study and teaching, after leading, writing and contributing to teacher trainings across the globe since 2004, it is finally time (as Frank Sinatra would sing) to do it my way."

From the KYM Website:
The Kaivalya Yoga Method focuses on the whole person and seeks to unite all aspects of one’s being through specific yogic techniques including skilled hands-on adjustments, intelligently sequenced vinyasa, sanskrit chanting and mantra, meditation and a continuous focus on the highest aim of yoga – freedom and happiness.
This Method is a technique for creating the condition for the state of yoga to arise naturally, as it is already inbuilt and yogic practices lay the groundwork for this realization of yoga to occur. As the name indicates, The Kaivalya Yoga Method is a means for liberating oneself from any ideas of disintegration or disunity. In short, it is a method for realizing happiness, but in a modern-day context. Without dogma. Without hierarchy. With generosity, authenticity and elegant simplicity.

Congratulations to Alanna for taking the leap!

And don't forget to enter the Giveaway for a Compassion Bracelet from Energy Muse!

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