Thursday, May 5, 2011

Celebrate Your Thighs

I've been noticing a couple little imbalances here and there in my hips and thighs so I've been practicing longer slower holds in floor work and trying to do poses I just never do (this week). The thinking here is that maybe I'm doing too much of the same thing and not enough of the other. Yeah. I'll go on and we'll assume that sentence totally makes sense.

In My Backyard
As I sit and drink my tea this morning all I can think is - I want to do some Warrior 2's! If you've ever done yoga then you know that this is not a normal thought. I can only blame my morning detox routine from earlier. I did a lot of seated poses I don't really settle into all that much these days. Long wide legged forward bends, even longer revolved head to knee poses... and some really juicy half lotus work. My inner thighs feel amazing. Weird statement again, but really. They feel awesome. My inner thighs feel like they got the stretch (and a little bit of muscle work) that they've been missing. Settling into Warrior 2 is open and free right now and I just want to celebrate it.

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