Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Big Beautiful Hair

I know that as a yogi I'm not supposed to want things... yearn for something... or be kinda envious. I know this. Regardless of this fact - I also know that I have spent the last week wishing I had Seane Corn's Hair. Her hair is awesome. If you've been around the yoga scene very long you've almost certainly heard of Seane Corn. She's a top notch vinyasa yoga teacher, and she's often known as "the one with the hair".

Seane Corn has splendid full-bodied curls. If you do a few internet searches for long curly hair - you'll find her photos everywhere. I've seen her in person, and her hair was just as amazing as it is in pictures. I've been needing a haircut because my hair is mostly one length and curls don't look great like that... not at this length. I've been cutting my own hair since I was 17, but I don't trust myself to add serious layers to my hair - which I know is what I really need to take this limp mess and make it spring back to life.

The whole thing is pretty scary. The last time I actually went to a salon and asked for layers I was in the 9th grade (like 15 years ago) and left with a terror inducing botch job on my head that took AGES to fix. Never again I said. Never again. Now I've grown up and know that I need layers if I'm going to keep growing out my hair - I just don't trust anyone to do it.

I'm not sure if there's a yoga for that.

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