Sunday, May 19, 2013

Seven Deadly Sins - Sloth

This week's Seven Deadly Sins theme is Sloth...which is very fitting because I have been incredibly lazy with all things nail art this week. The Sloth phrase fit perfectly with my feelings this week:

(Only if you want) Create a manicure inspired by your laziness...or whatever...I'm so tired...

I'm already a day late for this week's mani and keeping with the spirit of the theme, I was incredibly lazy with my nail art in that I didn't do any nail art ;) 

I did, however, use a really fabulous and pretty polish to make up for it! I actually used an undie for this polish so I did two steps for tonight look! Impressive, right? Anyway, this is Cameo Colours Lacquers The Mother over Zoya's Evvie and I just love this color and the glitter and ugh! It's just so squishy and pretty. The Mother is a teal jelly with square glitter and I'm just obsessed with square glitter lately. I don't feel too badly about not doing nail at because I think these sparkly swatches slightly make up for it ;) 
 Happy Polishing (and easy) ;)

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