Monday, May 13, 2013

Are You Sleeping Through Your Life?

Via Sylvia Mordini - on her Twitter

New experiences are easy to find. You can create them at any moment. In small ways or big ones. In your yoga practice they may look like a new studio, a different teacher, a new location in the room, a pose you've never tried... music, mats, outfits, friends to practice with, chanting... 

All these things create a slightly different experience. Some of these are small things, but they are the same small things that people fight against as if they were epic monsters. They actively avoid placing their mat in a different place in the classroom. The front row is pretty unpopular. 

Your comfort zone can become like a prison if you move in full time. Your ego may try to trick you into believing it's not worth the risk. Remember that feeling when you first tried (and loved!) yoga?  

Try something new this week! Don't sleep through your life.

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