Monday, February 25, 2013

The Year so Far

It's been an interesting year so far. I've been working on a lot of things. Some yoga, some art, some reading, had a birthday, etc.

Last month I won the book Hell Bent from Just here. Just now. and it took me longer than I would've liked to finish reading it. This isn't a review post so I won't really go into it, but it's definitely a worthy read.

I do have a full book review coming up soon for B.K.S. Iyengar's new book Core of the Yoga Sutras which I'm reading now. I'm not a fast/committed reader so bear with me. I can be easily distracted, but I promise it's coming.

I started a deviantART page with some of my artwork on it. A lot of my stuff is also quite large in real life - like 4 feet tall 4 feet wide. I'm running out of room to keep them all piled up everywhere. Creating can be a good outlet and even meditative. If you're not involved in anything creative I suggest you give it a shot. It's good for your health.

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