Friday, August 10, 2012

Soapwalla at Wanderlust Test

Being the modern-day yoga hippie-girl that I am - I am a huge fan of natural organic "chemical" free cosmetics. Anyone that's ever tried cleaning up their self-care routine knows that deodorant is right up there with waterproof mascara and toothpaste on difficulty of finding a good quality replacement. I've tried quite a few things, but I've been a big fan of Soapwalla Deodorant Cream for a while now. Yes, it's a cream. As in - you put it on with your fingers just like you do your face cream. At first that really weirds people out, but if you think about it - it shouldn't. You put on lotions/gels without too much thought, and yes you're rubbing something on your armpits - but it's while your armpit is still clean!

I love the stuff, but I'm an active girl - sometimes I take it to it's limits. I have found that on particularly crazy gym days while weight training it kind of foams. That is not fun, but I like it enough to put up with the occasional lightly foamed pit. Maybe those are the days I put too much on. *shrug* 99% of the time it behaves normally, does it's job, and doesn't stain my clothes.

When I started packing for Wanderlust I thought - I'm going to have some long hot active days - should I just pack my "other" deodorant? I did pack it... just in case, but I really wanted to give Soapwalla a chance and put it up to the serious hippie test - the Festival.

Test a hippie deodorant at Wanderlust!? That's Crazy! and perfect.

Outlined below is how the deodorant held up each day. I'll also add that I don't usually shower every single day, but during Wanderlust I did (so that probably helps).
In addition to all classes listed - add in a default of about a million hours of walking around and playing outside in the sun and heat.

Day 1 - Only one 2-hour class.
Temp: 75 degrees Farenheit
Peachy! Just as fresh at the end of the day as when it started.

Day 2 - Around 3 hours of tough classes - including 1.5 hours of slacklining in the sun.
Temp: 77
Good, not Great. Very mild musk at half an inch from my pits at the end of the day.

Day 3 - 1.5 hour lecture, 1.5 hour backbends outside, 1.5 hours hoopdance in the sun.
Temp: 80
Okay. It was going great until hooping non-stop under the sun from 4pm - 5:30pm. It was a very active class - lots of jumping and whatnot. After that I got a bit musky.

Day 4 - 1.5 hours self massage, 1.5 hours backbends in the hottest dome ever, 1.5 hours yoga nidra.
Temp: 86
Fine just Fine. Didn't really do a whole lot of active stuff, but the activity I did do was in a dome of heat. It was like doing hot yoga. I really regretted wearing pants to that class instead of shorts.

Soapwalla clearly holds up great for low-medium activity. Even high activity in mild heat. But if the heat is way high and you're going to be outside for 6 hours - you might want something tougher if you tend to stink a lot. I'm not a strongly-scented person, so I can get by just like this. I never pulled out my back-up deodorant, and I think I'll just throw it out for good.

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