Wednesday, March 14, 2012

David Magone PranaVayu DVD Review

Apparently David Magone has been featured in places like Yoga Journal, Travel + Leisure, The Wall Street Journal, and more. Some might say he's kind of a big deal. I, however, had never heard of him before I got an email asking me if I'd review his Intermediate PranaVayu DVD. To keep things as concise as possible I'm not going to say much about what I learned about him or this style of yoga. I'm just going to talk about the DVD.

Learn about David and PranaVayu by visiting the website - here.

What is PranaVayu?
A style of vinyasa yoga that skillfully combines physical and spiritual practices into one effective style.

David’s work has been heavily influenced by Ideokinesis pioneer Mabel Todd, the Periodization theories of Tudor Bompa, the yogic discipline of Yoga 23 founder Andrei Sidersky, and the Tibetan approach to meditation under the guidance of his guru, the venerable Khenpo Lama Migmar Tseten Rinpoche.

What I thought:
  • Labelled Intermediate. I'd call it Beginner-Intermediate.
  • Speech is rhythmic and calming. Avoids over-instruction while remaining informative. 
  • Music amplifies meditative aspect of practice rather than distracts.
  • Practice opens with nadi shodhana (alternate nostril breathing) - love it! 
  • Keeps neck safety at the top of the priority list. Uncommon and Appreciated.
  • A couple poses I've never done before which is always fun.
  • Gives plenty of options for students to decide if they want to practice with more or less intensity.
  • Camel pose was spacious and light. 
  • Agnistambhasana is under-instructed for the more beginner of students.
  • Final meditation in savasana - What can I say - it made me feel really happy.
I'd gladly recommend this DVD to anyone that has been practicing long enough to be well-versed in beginners classes, but are a little scared of the Advanced classes. 4.5 Stars (out of 5).
Buy it HERE for $20 + shipping.

Readers via Email - Click Here for the Video.

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