Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Urdhva Dhanurasana Walkthrough

The effects of hunching over at your desk, rounding forward in your car, and keeping your head down as you walk are all going to be countered by backbends. You may not even realize how crummy you feel until you practice some nice chest openers and truly feel better. Add this classic backbend to your practice - or start a practice just so you can work towards it.

Bonus: Heart openers increase your capacity to give and receive love. In practical application this could mean you're less likely to yell at the lady taking 30 minutes to buy stamps and more likely to graciously accept compliments and well-meant gifts.

I like to place Urdhva Dhanurasana (aka Upward Bow) towards the middle of my practice. If you have a shorter or less experienced practice then it may be more appropriate for you to place it near the end so you will be adequately warmed up. I'd suggest doing at least 3 urdhva dhanurasanas per practice. The third one always feels way better than the first one. Resist the urge to draw your knees to your chest in between each pose. Once you're done - lie and rest for a minute. Do a couple of light twists and/or some forward bends to neutralize the spine.

In pictures this looks like a lot, but it's actually a pretty fast process once you learn the steps.

Before you ever attempt Urdhva Dhanurasana solo:
You should be well-versed and comfortable in Bridge Pose. The link there is to my post on tips/instructions for bridge. If you're not comfy in bridge pose yet - just keep practicing that for now.

Let's Begin:
For some reason whenever I say "backbend" people think of dropbacks and get scared. How 'bout we do it the least scary way? Start from the floor.

Lie down. Feet about hip-width apart (for stability) near your butt. Very important -  Feet parallel.
At first - reach your hands down at your sides - just touch the end of your heel.
Later you can bring the feet in a bit closer to start if you want to. 
Place your hands out beside your ears - right about shoulder width apart. Wider apart is better than closer in.
Fingertips pointing the same direction as your toes. Fingers wide.
As your root into all 4 corners of your feet and hands - press up just enough to be on the top of your head.
Grip your fingers - spread your toes. Draw your shoulderblades further onto your back. Press your chest forward. This will roll your head a little more towards your forehead. Keep lifting in the hips.
On an exhale - press up to straight arms. Come up onto your toes and lengthen your tailbone down toward your knees. 
Now walk your feet in closer toward your hands if you can. Press your chest forward .
Keep drawing your shoulders back to support your open heart. Lower your heels once you've walked in.
Strong arms - strong legs. Press your chest forward again. Look down at your hands. Breathe.

In general, this sequence is for anyone, but please don't try this without speaking to your Dr. first if you have any medical/physical problems. Seek Peace At Your Own Risk!

If you're reading this post there's a good chance you want to read these too: 
Great Backbends in Unexpected Places
Backbend Work - In Pictures

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