Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Let Your Heart Be Known - Steve Gold

Steve Gold - his name may be familiar to you. He is a musician and he's "kind of a big deal" around the yoga community. His music has been played at Wanderlust Festival, Exhale Center for Sacred Movement, KeyArena, BHAKTI FEST SPRING OmMERSION, Bhakti Fest, Hilton Bayfront Hotel, Esalen Institute, Yoga Journal San Francisco Conference, and Varsity Theater.

Gold has supported a variety of charitable organizations including Y.O.G.A. for Youth, City Of Hope, and Surfrider Foundation. He is also an Ambassador for Yoga Energy Activism, a grassroots effort lead by yogini Shiva Rea to inspire mindful use of our natural resources.

“Singing is my mainline to the divine,” says Gold.

His second full-length album, "Let Your Heart Be Known(2011) includes plenty of soulful yogic tunes, but my favorite has to be So Much Magnificence. It is lovely and quietly introspective.

For a full biography, performance dates, to purchase music, and more - visit Steve Gold Music.

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