Friday, July 15, 2011

There Will Be Blood - So Be Prepared

Wow guys... I have been having one of those weeks where I just have nothing to talk about. Most of these posts this week have been written at like 1am (like this one). I've been spending a bunch of time in the gym lately trying to jump start a serious gym regimen. Adam is officially being paid to workout regularly so we have no reason not to go.

I love working out... it's awesome. Some people really have trouble finding motivation to get to the gym... or the yoga studio, or wherever... but I don't have that problem. I'm just one of those people that is always up for doing something. However, part of being ready when you lead an active lifestyle is being prepared for something to go wrong. I don't mean big things like hyperextending a knee or dislocating a shoulder. I mean small things like your hair tie breaking or overworking a bit. Be prepared to go fish an extra hair tie out of your bag (because you carry those all the time right?)... or be prepared to run an epsom salt bath as soon as you get home to avoid feeling crippled the next day.

What my hand looked like before it got destroyed.
I had an ugly reminder of this yesterday when I smashed my finger between a 35 lb weight plate and a giant metal machine. I didn't exactly plan on such a thing, so when my finger was missing some skin and a small chunk of itself I wasn't prepared for all the blood. Seriously, it bled all over the place. It seemed to have no intention of stopping bleeding so I had to ask the front desk for a band-aid. I got lucky because they only had one left and it was barely big enough to do the job. By the time I got it on I had blood on my legs, arms, and clothes. I was a biohazard! My finger is still throbbing and it's been like 28 hours.

I learned a lesson here - you can't always count on the gym to have band-aids, so carry your own. No matter what you're doing there can be blood shed (as I've definitely learned in yoga, weight training, hula hooping, team sports, etc.) so I'm officially keeping a bag of band-aids in the car. 'Cause you never know when you'll be bleeding all over the equipment.

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