Thursday, April 14, 2011

Yogi's Rejoice!

People generally think of yogis as tea-sipping hippies, and that's a stereotype for a reason. Most yogis love their tea. I know I certainly do. I drink tons of tea... red, green, black, white... if it's tea I'll at least try it. My mom can't grasp why I have so many varieties of tea in my house. When you drink as much tea as we do - you try a lot of stuff. *shrug*

There's this lovely blog I follow called "No More Dirty Looks" - they're all about safe and clean cosmetics and whatnot. If you're not into smothering your body with chemicals - check them out. Last week I was checking into their site as I do every day, and I learned something awesome.

All this time I'd been hearing that for every cup of tea or coffee that you drink - you needed to be drinking a glass of water to make up the difference from the dehydrating effects of tea. Turns out, that's not necessarily true. NMDL reports that researchers have found that caffeinated black tea offers similar hydrating properties to water. So we can just keep on drinking our tea and not worry too much about how it affects our water intake. Yay!

Visit the original post from NMDL - HERE - for their take on it plus a link to the actual study findings in Cambridge Journals.

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