Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My Big Fat Pet Peeve

I have a lot of little things that bother me when people come over to my house. It doesn't happen often, so I get used to things being my way. Usually it's just little things I don't bother bringing up because they're unimportant, but you know what REALLY bugs me - my mega-huge "in my house" pet peeve? People stepping on my yoga mat with their shoes. Let me elaborate...

My mat is kind of a permanent fixture in my living room floor. There are currently two giant mats in the floor with a big gap in between them that leaves a nice walking path through the room. Since it's generally just me, the husband, and the dog - we can leave our mats out and not really care. Everyone knows not to walk on the $100 mats with shoes. Bare feet? Fine. Socked feet? Fine. Shoes? No. Mud? No. Mud and grass and unidentifiable ickem?? NO!!

My mat got walked on yesterday by a visitor who stopped by unexpectedly (otherwise I would've moved the mats). He's been here before; and he knows better. He walked all over it, like it was made exactly for walking muddy shoes on. I actually yelled at him - and called him names. *sigh* Not my finest moment.

I wish I had handled it better, but to be totally honest - I just wish people would keep their shoes off my mat.

Photo Source: The Internet?? dunno. Well - That 70's Show, really.

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