Wednesday, April 3, 2013

April Nail Art Challenge - Flowers

Apparently it's already April?! When did that happen?? Ever since I've graduated from College, I feel like time is speeding by. I think it may have something to do with the fact that I no longer have quarters keeping track of my life. 

Anyway, April means a brand new nail art challenge! Aren't you all excited? I know I am. I am really excited for the themes this month as well - galaxy, earth day, and braided are particularly exciting since I have yet to do anything like those yet. 
The first theme is flowers and if you've been following me lately, you'll notice that I've had an ever growing obsession with painting flowers. Needless to say, I was stoked to dig into this challenge :) 

I am really loving the look of a light background and then pops of color with my flowers so, while I've done this is the past, I think these are still unique enough from other designs I've done. I'm really digging the color combo and I honestly can't stop staring at them! :D Isn't it great when that happens? 
I've been trying to be good lately and do both of my hands...I will slowly become ambidextros! It is my goal! For now, my dominant hand is just sort of have sadder version of my left. I'll get there one day ;)
I used Lime Crime's Milky Ways as my base color and the red flowers are Essie's Snap Happy. The leaves are Zoya's Audrina, Wet n' Wild On a Trip, and the yellow is actually a combo of Zoya's Pippa and China Glaze's Kalahari Kiss (I promise there is yellow! My camera just struggled with getting the right colors today :/ ). For the centers of the flowers I used China Glaze's Call of the Wild. I never thought I'd use that brown but lately it's finding its way into a bunch of my manis. 
What do you think of this look? Are you going to try and of the April Nail Art Challenge?? You should!! :D

Happy Polishing :)

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