Friday, October 5, 2012

The Color of Change

The energy of autumn can be a little bit frenetic because it's a sort of "nesting period" for mammals. It's a time dedicated to preparing for the barren, cold, winter. Like squirrels racing to make sure the food rations are there and bears fattening up for winter hibernation. People tend to do things like rake leaves, make apple cider, gather pumpkins, and other autumn rituals as we transition into a darker quieter environment. Make this fall all about shedding that which doesn't support you on your path, and preparing to nourish your spirit deeply during winter.

In addition to body practices and the internal work you can do - give a little TLC to your living space.

Small changes add up in shifting the energy of your space and life. Little additions like leg warmers, hot drinks, rugs, and fuzzy pillows can add a cozy feeling that you just want to nestle into at the end of the day.

Colors and textures create moods and either nourish or drain your energy. Put some extra thought this season into these things that can affect your psychological and emotional state.

I'm changing the color scheme at home right now. My large pieces are deep purples, reds, and dark woods. I have accents of greens, aquas, whites, and oranges that I can shift and swap out for the cooler seasons. I don't buy all new decor every season or even every year. I only buy things I intend to keep for a lifetime. This fall I'm simply putting away the aquas and bright whites - and pulling out lush comfortable dark grays and spicy orange tones. I'm adding dark throw blankets, artfully placing my favorite decorative pillows, and rearranging so the earth tones are in the spotlight together. In my art studio I'm taking down most of the work on the walls to clear space for fall/winter creative mind.

My autumn revamp is like spring cleaning, but geared toward fall. Throw out your expired food items, make a donation of your excess stuff, organize your keepers, and create a supported feeling in your environment this season.

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